- 象牙替代品——针对河马牙国际贸易的快速评估(译)
- 共享天空(译)
- 法国在野生物贸易中扮演的角色:对CITES附录物种的贸易与查获数据分析(译)
- Opinion Survey On Exotic Pet Use In Japan 2021
- High Value Marine Products From Africa To Asia
- Seahorse Trade Dynamics From Africa To Asia
- A Rapid Assessment Of The Sea Cucumber Trade From Africa To Asia
- Maw Trade (November 2020)
- 常见非法野生动物制品示例图
- 来自服刑犯的思考:南非野生物非法供应链评估(译)
- 野生物交易的过往
- 摇摇欲坠:日本的网络象牙贸易(译)
- Accessing, harvesting and trading in wildlife: Corruption in the use of permits and allocation of access rights
- TRAFFIC Bulletin VOL. 32 NO. 2
- 象牙与象牙替代品鉴定指南
- 立法与监管不足:欧盟人工养殖虎在全球虎贸易中扮演的角色(译)
- 盗猎背后的内幕:采访南非的犯罪份子(译)
- Usaid Wildlife Asia Counter Wildlife Trafficking Digest
- A Rapid Assessment of the Artisanal Shark Trade in the Republic of the Congo
- 密码保护:象牙等网络常见野生动物制品的发现和识别手册