- Identification Guide for Ivory and Ivory Substitutes
- Endangered By Trade -the Ongoing Illegal Pangolin Trade In The Philippines
- 巴西的野生动物非法贩运问题(译)
- TRADING FACES:a snapshot of the online ivory trade in indonesia, thailand and viet nam in 2016 with an update in 2019
- Tackling Wildlife Cybercrime In The EU
- 制止欧盟内网络野生动物犯罪:比利时和荷兰的爬行动物和鸟类网络交易(译)
- The Invisible Trade:Wild plants and you in the times of COVID-19 and the essential journey towards sustainability
- Les Stocks D’ivoire D’elephant De La RÉpublique DÉmocratique Du Congo : Quel Systeme De Gestion Mettre En Place ?
- Crossing The Red Line – Japan’s Exotic Pet Trade
- 新冠肺炎危机中的印度野生动物:偷猎和非法野生动物贸易分析(译)
- TRAFFIC Bulletin VOL. 32 NO. 1
- 通往灭绝的跑道:航空运输部门下的野生物走私(译)
- Sustainability of Namibian Indigenous Timber Industry
- Addressing corruption in CITES documentation processes
- Assessment of illegal trade- related threats to Red Panda in India and selected neighbouring range countries
- 在线下, 在野外——打击网络野生动植物非法贸易全球联盟进度报告
- 2019年欧盟查获CITES附录物种概况分析(译)
- 禁贸下的需求——2019年中国象牙消费研究
- Combating Wildlife Crime linked to the internet
- WILDLIFE CYBER CRIME TRENDS IN CHINA,Online Monitoring Results 2017-2018